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Out of more than 875 reviews, our customers give us a rating of 4,9⭐/5.

The Vigilance Pendant

Regular price $169.00

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The rooster, perched on top of our churches, is the christian symbol of the vigilance . It awakens sleeping souls and announces the end of darkness.

This is why we created the Vigilance pendant. It is made in a ultra-resistant alloy , based on chromium and cobalt, not knowing neither corrosion, nor oxidation, nor wear and tear over time .

This pendant is forged in Provence .

It measures 25mm wide and 40mm high, and the chain (included) is 55cm long.

And as with all our articles: 100% of profits go to serve our country.

French manufacturing quality

All the items we offer you are made in our workshop or at one of our 40 partner artisans and SMEs throughout France . We strive to produce quality items that stand the test of time and pass on our traditions .

Defending our heritage and values

With more than 30,000 supporters, Terre de France is today the leading French brand claiming values ​​of tradition , patriotism and solidarity towards the rural world.

By choosing Terre de France, you are reaching out to the artisans of the real country .

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Mon héritage

Voilà trois ans que je porte ce pendentif. Je l’enlève pour la douche malgré ma grande confiance en sa résistance face aux intempéries. Chaque jours renouvelle la certitude d’en faire une héritage.

Jean Louis Ragon

Un. Superbe pendentif,
Néanmoins la chaîne semble fine par rapport au poids du médaillon.
Très belle qualité.

Alliotte Margot
Tout s’est passé à merveille.

Très bonne qualité ! Merci !

Brigitte Marie
Livraison rapide et efficace !

C'est parfait, qualité au top, produits sain qui va dans les bonnes poches

Paschal Thibaut
Vivement recommandé à tous !

Super service et produit! Vive la France!

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